episode 033: Ficus and Dallisgrass
Dallisgrass in my yard
What are C4 plants? Then Jill talks about an entire genus! Ficus! Steve goes down a rabbit hole on a lawn weed and ends up exploring psychedelics. Later, a reading from Sylvia Plath’s the Bell Jar.
Show Notes!
C4 Photosynthesis from the Khan Academy
List of C4 plants on wikipedia
Corn Kid
The Ficus Genus on wikipedia
How a fig tree strangles other plants
Are There Dead Wasps In Figs?
The Moreton Bay Fig Tree in Balboa Park
Paspalum dilatatum in wikipedia
Aves y Plantas de los Pastizales Naturales del Cono Sur de Sudamérica
The Encyclopedia of Psychoactive Plants on Google Books
Ergot: the story of a parasitic fungus (1958)
Ergotism on wikipedia
Tripping in LSD's Birthplace: A Story for "Bicycle Day"
Fig tree quote from Sylvia Plath’s The Bell Jar
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Additional Music by Alex_MakeMusic from Pixabay