episode 064: Purple Coneflower and Black-Eyed Susan
A honey bee enjoying a Purple Coneflower (Echinacea purpurea)
Captain Kirk and Bilbo Baggins in your garden. Then, Laura shares about the legacy of her yards coneflowers. Steve also talks about a coneflower and loses it when talking about a pea. Finally, Black-Eyed Susan performed by Anna and Elizabeth in it’s entirety.
Show Notes!
Hosta ‘Captain Kirk’
Plants database of Dahlia Cultivars
Stelis oscargrouchii
Begonia Darthvaderiana Complete Care Guide
Solomon’s Seal
Echinacea Wiki
The Gorgeous and Beautiful Purple Coneflowers
Herbstore Cowboys
Black-eyed Susans
Black-Eyed Susan by John Gay
In Memory of Black-eyed Susan and Sweet William
What’s the Difference Between an Echinacea and a Rudbeckia?
Black Eyed Susan by Anna and Elizabeth
Anna and Elizabeth Bandcamp
Laura’s web design business
ReturnToSender.club (sustainability and plant propaganda)
Return to Sender on Instagram
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