episode 096: Maypop!
A portion of my maypop plants
The guest on this episode of rootbound is Aja Yasir. First, Steve figures out the difference between anthers and stigmas and shares a joke to help you remember. Then, Aja and Steve discuss their passion for a fruit called the Maypop. The show ends with a potential solution to a etymological mystery.
Show Notes!
Difference Between Anther and Stigma
Maypop (Passiflora incarnata)
Maypops: Food, Fun, Medicine
Effects of Passiflora incarnata herbal tea on subjective sleep quality
Explanation of the name Passionflower
See how the passionflower ensures cross-pollination
Review of DeCandolle’s Origin of Cultivated Plants by Gray and Trumbull (page 130)
the Kalinago people
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