episode 112: Eastern Red Cedar and Spanish Cedar
a cedar wax-wing doing what a cedar wax-wing does.
The guest on this episode of rootbound is Sebi Medina-Tayac of Red Cedar Farms. Sebi and Steve both share cedars which aren’t really cedar (but who is to say?) The cedar Sebi shares is connected to his culture as a member of the Piscataway Indian Nation. The cedar Steve shares is connected to an experience he had in Peru. Finally, we learn a bit more about the symbolic position of a sacred tree in Piscataway Park.
Show Notes!
Juniperus virginiana
All About the Eastern Red Cedar
Piscataway Park
The Flickering Flame — Life and Legacy of Chief Turkey Tayac
Cahokia Woodhenge
Cedrela odorata
U.S. gobbling illegal wood from Peru’s Amazon rainforest
CITES Cedrela spp. listing
Red Cedar Farms - organic regenerative sun-grown cannabis | on native lands by native hands
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