Cardamine hirsuta - Bittercress

Bittercress was featured in episode 1 of rootbound. Here is the Wikipedia page for Hairy Bittercress.
The YouTube channel Smarter Everyday filmed Bittercress in super slow motion revealing how it’s spring-loaded seed dispersal mechanism works. Spoiler, it’s a reverse banana peel slap bracelet.
Green Deane’s article on Bittercress

A recipe for Bittercress pesto
Collect bittercress in the very early spring, really the late late winter 
Pull the rosettes from the ground and separate them from their roots.  Keep the leaves and discard the roots. 
Wash throughly and dry
To make the pesto, Start by weighing your bittercress and use the classic pesto ratio: 1:2:2:8 That is 1 part nuts, 2 parts oil, 2 parts cheese, 8 parts greens
For example,  If you have 80 grams of bittercress then you will need 10 grams of nuts, 20 grams oil and 20 grams cheese
For the nuts, pine nuts are classic but you also use pecans, walnuts or hazelnuts. 
For the oil, olive works well but so does sunflower. 
For the cheese,  Parmesan or any dry hard cheese should do
Put all of the ingredients in a bowl and blend with an immersion blender 
If not using immediately transfer to a glass storage container and cover with a thin layer of oil.